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In this post we will learn basics of Patent Analytics – this a small tutorial to help individuals to conduct a basic prior art for an invention without incurring any cost.

First step- create summary

  • Before conducting a prior art search, first read the technology/invention/product feature thoroughly.
  • List down all the main features.
  • List the features in accordance to their importance in the invention.
    Example: a chopping machine; Features: shape of blade, sharpness, easy to handle, time saving battery may constitute as features.
    But list features as most important feature on top of the list, which may be designated as novel feature.

Second Step: Frame keywords around the features

Example keywords: chopping machine with blade, Battery driven chopping machine, Chopping machine with secure handle etc.

  • Third Step: decide a date restriction
    In legal language it means priority date.
    That means suppose you have an invention filed on 1 January 2005, or you want to file a patent application on 1 January 2005.
    All the existing patents or non-patent literature available and filed before 1 January 2005, will constitute as prior art for your invention.
    So you have search the patent and non patent literature before this date. And you will be using this as your restriction date to conduct prior art search

  • Fifth step: input your keywords in free databases
    There exists lots of free databases which you may use to conduct a brief prior art search by yourself.
    Examples : Google patents Wipo Espacenet Sumobrain Patent lens etc.

  • Sixth Step: open the databases and try to find most closest results.
    You may start with google patents for an instance. Input your keywords in it.
    Search and sort most relevant most similar existing patent before your priority date.
    Those results will be your prior arts. Note: this a basic small tutorial to help science students to conduct a basic prior art without incurring any cost.