In the cold season, it is very important that your feet are always warm. At home, grandma's soft slippers made of natural materials will help with this. In such high comfortable wool slippers, your feet are guaranteed not to freeze. Due to the unique properties of sheep's or camel's wool, they will keep you warm in the cold and keep your feet from sweating when it's hot. After all, only natural wool is able to absorb moisture while remaining completely dry.
Babushki are a variety and alternative to ordinary home shoes, unlike traditional slippers, they are very light, soft, comfortable, and cover the foot from all sides. They are made only from natural wool, sheepskin or soft felt. In our online store you can buy slippers that are suitable for both children and adults, this type of slippers is preferred by older people because they are very light and practically do not feel on their feet.
Are you interested in such slippers? We offer to buy grandmothers through our online service. Order grandma's women's shoes right now, they will be delivered to you within one or two days, and you will be able to enjoy their softness, comfort and warmth. You can buy grandmothers of various models, colors and sizes from us. A large assortment will allow each customer to choose slippers according to their taste. The online store offers branded grandmothers from world-famous manufacturers of home shoes made from natural materials.
Buy babushki or juraba - the choice is yours
Our online store presents another type of non-traditional home shoes - jurabs. In the national clothes of many Caucasian countries, jurabs are long socks knitted from wool. They were decorated with intricate ornaments.
Now you can buy djurabs in our online store, but these are no longer just socks, but high-top slippers that fit snugly to the foot, which makes them extremely comfortable to wear. Natural wool of very high quality is used for their manufacture.
If you decide to buy jurabs, it will be the right choice, since in them the gait of any woman changes, becomes smooth and graceful. Comfortable and practical, they gently hug the foot, providing comfort and warmth.
Beautiful branded jurabs made of natural wool with soft felt soles are presented on the pages of our online store. These slippers are suitable for both men and women. There are small sizes for children. The Aviator game is downloaded ( ) through the official website or mobile app of the casino that offers this game. The download process is quick and convenient, allowing players to start playing immediately.