Patent and Trademark Litigation in India
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Litigation – An Overview
We are amongst the prominent company handling IP litigation be it patents, trademarks and copyrights. Our intellectual property
litigators have been involved in many of the cases that have defined the scope of intellectual property rights. As we all know,
only a small percentage of cases go to trial. Therefore, being in the field for years, we have experience in effectively resolving
disputes at an early stage without wasting time and efforts. For some clients, we have even been able to obtain summary judgements
in their favour within 6 months of institution of the suit. We thus work on creative and most cost-effective solutions that drive the
case toward such a resolution.
We also have extensive experience in the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. From the outset of each case, we explore
with our clients the potential risks, opportunities and costs associated with various strategies for dispute resolution, including
litigation, mediation, arbitration, and negotiated settlements.
Patent Litigation
We have handled disputes in fields such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, etc. We have played a leading role in some
of the patent cases. In every patent case, our litigators either have the necessary technical knowledge or work closely with patent
specialists who have such technical knowledge. Our attorneys hold technical or scientific degrees in fields such as computer science,
mechanical engineering and chemistry. Our approach to patent litigation makes it easier for us to present complex technical information to
judges in a simple and persuasive way.
Trademarks Litigation
When it comes to trademark litigation, we focus on protecting the goodwill and brand value that our clients have worked to develop through
the years. We prosecute and defend trademark, design, copyright lawsuits in district courts, High Court as well as Supreme Court. We have
extensive experience in seeking and defending against preliminary injunctions. Overall, we have a good team that can conduct your litigation
in a cost-effective manner whilst at the same time effectively protecting/enforcing your rights.
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