Copyright of Songs in India -
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Copyright of Songs in India


Brief Overview of What Copyright Is

Copyright is a form of intellectual property law that provides exclusive rights to creators for their original works. In the context of music, this means that the creator of a song—be it the lyricist, composer, or performer—has the exclusive right to use, distribute, and monetize that song. Essentially, copyright serves as a legal shield, protecting the original work from unauthorized use or duplication.

Importance of Copyrighting Songs in India

In a country like India, where music is deeply ingrained in the culture and plays a significant role in various forms of entertainment—from movies to festivals—the importance of copyrighting songs cannot be overstated. With the rise of digital platforms, the risk of music piracy and unauthorized use has also escalated. Copyrighting a song ensures that the creator has full control over its use, including the right to license it for various purposes like advertisements, movies, or public performances. This not only provides a revenue stream for the creators but also safeguards them against legal disputes related to ownership or unauthorized use.

Scope of the Article

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the subject of copyrighting songs in India. We will delve into what copyright is, why it’s crucial for song creators in India, and the various elements of a song that can be copyrighted. The article will also outline the step-by-step procedure for copyright registration, discuss the documents required, and highlight common mistakes to avoid. Additionally, we will touch upon the time frame for copyright registration and present some case studies to offer real-world context.

By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of how to protect your musical creations through copyright law in India, thereby ensuring that your work is both legally secure and financially rewarding.

What is Copyright?

Copyright is a legal concept that grants creators exclusive rights to their original works. This means that the person who holds the copyright has the sole authority to use, distribute, and monetize the work in question. In legal terms, copyright is an “intellectual property right” that protects the original expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves. For instance, while you can’t copyright the idea of a love song, you can copyright the specific lyrics, melody, and arrangement that make up that love song.

Types of Works That Can Be Copyrighted

The scope of copyright is broad, covering various types of creative and intellectual works. Here are some examples:

Literary Works: Books, articles, poems, and even computer programs.

Musical Works: Melodies, song lyrics, and musical compositions.

Artistic Works: Paintings, photographs, and sculptures.

Dramatic Works: Plays, screenplays, and scripts.

Cinematographic Films: Movies and video content.

Sound Recordings: Audio files, podcasts, and recorded music.

Architectural Works: Building designs and blueprints.

Importance of Copyright in the Music Industry

In the music industry, copyright is the backbone that supports artists, composers, and producers. Here’s why it’s crucial:

Financial Security: Copyright allows artists to monetize their work through various channels like streaming services, public performances, and licensing deals.

Creative Control: Holding the copyright to a song means you have control over how it’s used. You can choose to license it for a movie, an advertisement, or even deny its use in contexts that you don’t approve of.

Legal Protection: Copyright provides a legal framework for pursuing action against unauthorized use or infringement. This is especially important in the digital age, where piracy and unauthorized sharing are rampant.

Legacy and Recognition: Copyright ensures that the work is attributed to the original creator, thereby building a legacy. It also opens doors for awards and recognitions that are based on copyrighted works.

Global Reach: Through international copyright treaties, artists can protect and monetize their work not just in their home country but globally.

By understanding the nuances of copyright, artists and creators in the music industry can better navigate the complexities of legal protection and financial gain. This knowledge is not just a safeguard but a tool for empowerment, enabling artists to take full control of their creative output.

Why Copyright a Song in India?

Legal Protection against Infringement

One of the most compelling reasons to copyright a song in India is to gain legal protection against infringement. The music industry is rife with cases where songs are copied, remixed, or sampled without permission. Holding a registered copyright gives you the legal authority to take action against such unauthorized uses. It serves as irrefutable evidence of ownership, making it easier to claim damages or halt the distribution of the infringing work.

Monetization Opportunities

Copyrighting a song opens up various avenues for monetization. You can license your work for use in movies, advertisements, or public performances. Streaming platforms also pay royalties to copyright holders. In a country like India, where the film industry often incorporates music, the potential for earning through licensing is immense. Moreover, you can sell the rights to your song or enter into revenue-sharing agreements, providing a steady income stream.

International Recognition

India is a signatory to several international copyright treaties, including the Berne Convention. This means that a song copyrighted in India is also protected in all other member countries, allowing for international licensing and distribution. Such global protection not only increases monetization opportunities but also elevates the artist’s profile on a worldwide stage.

Case Studies or Examples

A.R. Rahman: The renowned composer has copyrighted his compositions, enabling him to license them for international projects and even Broadway musicals.

Piracy Cases: Popular songs like “Kolaveri Di” faced piracy issues, but holding a copyright allowed the creators to take legal action against unauthorized distributions.

Indie Artists: Independent artists like Prateek Kuhad have leveraged copyright to license their music for global streaming platforms, thereby reaching a wider audience and securing royalties.

By copyrighting your song, you not only protect it from unauthorized use but also unlock a myriad of opportunities for monetization and international recognition. In a competitive and rapidly evolving industry, copyright serves as both a shield and a sword, empowering artists to control, protect, and profit from their creative endeavors.

The Natural Right vs. Legal Protection

Owning Copyright Naturally Upon Creation

In the realm of intellectual property, the moment you create an original song—write the lyrics or compose the melody—you naturally own the copyright to it. This is known as “common law copyright” and is automatically conferred upon the creation of the work. You don’t have to register it; you don’t even have to publish it. The mere act of creating it grants you the copyright.

The Limitations of Natural Copyright

While natural copyright sounds convenient, it has its limitations, especially when it comes to legal disputes. For instance, if someone else claims that they created the same song before you did, proving your ownership can be challenging without formal registration. Natural copyright is often insufficient in a court of law because it lacks the official documentation that comes with registration. Moreover, without registration, you can’t file for statutory damages or attorney’s fees in cases of infringement, limiting your legal recourse.

The Benefits of Legal Registration

Registering your copyright with the appropriate governmental body provides a public record of your copyright and is often considered conclusive proof of ownership. It allows you to take legal action against infringers and claim statutory damages, which can be significantly higher than actual damages. In India, the Copyright Office is responsible for such registrations, and once registered, your copyright is valid not just in India but in all countries that are signatories to international copyright treaties.

In summary, while natural copyright offers basic protection, legal registration fortifies this protection, providing you with a robust set of tools to defend and monetize your work. It’s the difference between owning a lock and owning a fortified security system; both provide protection, but one is undeniably stronger.

Elements of a Song That Can Be Copyrighted


The lyrics of a song are often the most identifiable element and can be copyrighted as a literary work. This means that once copyrighted, no one else can use those exact lyrics without your permission. Whether it’s a single line or an entire verse, the lyrics are your intellectual property once registered.

Music Composition

The melody, chord progression, and even the song structure fall under the category of music composition. By copyrighting the musical composition, you protect the tune and arrangement of the song. This is particularly important for composers who may not be the lyricists or performers but contribute significantly to the song’s creation.


The actual recorded performance of the song is another element that can be copyrighted. Known as a “sound recording,” this copyright is separate from that of the lyrics or music composition. It protects the specific arrangement of sounds in the recording, including the performance, instrumentation, and production techniques.

Background Instrumental

The background instrumental or the “musical bed” that accompanies the lyrics and melody can also be copyrighted. This includes any original instrumental breaks, intros, and outros. Copyrighting the background instrumental ensures that the specific musical arrangement cannot be used without your permission.

In essence, a song is not just a singular entity but a composite of various elements, each of which can be individually copyrighted. By understanding and registering each element, you create a multi-layered protection for your work, making it difficult for anyone to infringe upon it without facing legal consequences.

Documents Required for Copyrighting a Song

For Lyrics

When it comes to copyrighting the lyrics of a song, you’ll need to provide a written document that contains the complete lyrics. This can be in the form of a Word document, PDF, or even a handwritten manuscript, as long as it is legible. Some copyright offices may also require a declaration affirming that the lyrics are your original work.

For Music Composition

For the music composition, you’ll typically need to submit a music sheet that outlines the melody, chord progressions, and any other musical elements that make up the composition. This can be in standard musical notation or any other format that accurately represents the music. Like with lyrics, a declaration of originality may also be required.

For Recording

To copyright the actual sound recording, you’ll need to submit the recording itself. This is usually done by providing a high-quality audio file in a commonly accepted format like WAV or MP3. Some jurisdictions may also require additional information, such as the names of all performers and contributors to the recording.

For Background Instrumental

For the background instrumental, the requirements are similar to those for copyrighting a sound recording. You’ll need to submit an audio file that contains just the instrumental elements of the song. If the instrumental has been specifically arranged or composed for the song, a music sheet or notation may also be required.

In summary, the process of copyrighting a song involves multiple steps and various types of documentation. Each element of the song—lyrics, music composition, recording, and background instrumental—has its own set of required documents. Ensuring that you have all the necessary documents prepared and organized will make the registration process smoother and more efficient.

Step-by-Step Procedure for Copyrighting a Song in India

Filing the Application

The first step in the copyright registration process is filing an application with the Copyright Office in India. You’ll need to fill out the prescribed form, which usually asks for details like the name of the work, the creator, and the owner if different from the creator. Along with the form, you’ll submit the required documents for each element of the song you wish to copyright—lyrics, music composition, recording, and background instrumental. A nominal fee is also payable at this stage.

Formality Check

Once the application is submitted, it undergoes a “formality check” to ensure that all the required documents are in order and the application is complete. If any discrepancies are found, you’ll be notified and given a chance to rectify them and status will change to re-scrutiny. It’s crucial to respond promptly to avoid delays in the registration process.

Waiting Period

After passing the formality check, there is a mandatory waiting period, usually lasting 30 days. During this time, the application is open to public inspection, allowing for objections to be filed against it. If no objections are received, the application moves to the next stage. If objections are filed, you’ll have the opportunity to address them.


In cases where objections are raised, or if the Copyright Office has any queries, a hearing may be scheduled. During the hearing, both parties—the applicant and the objector, if any—present their cases. The Registrar then makes a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented.

Registration Granted

If the application clears all the above stages, the Copyright Office grants the copyright and issues a Certificate of Registration. This certificate serves as legal proof of your copyright ownership and is valid not just in India but also in countries that are signatories to international copyright treaties.

By following this step-by-step procedure, you can successfully copyright a song in India, thereby securing its various elements and safeguarding your intellectual property rights. While the process may seem cumbersome, each step is crucial for ensuring that your work is adequately protected.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Incomplete Documentation

One of the most frequent pitfalls in the copyright registration process is submitting incomplete documentation. Missing out on essential documents like music sheets for the composition or failing to provide a declaration of originality can lead to delays or even rejection of your application. Always double-check the list of required documents and ensure that each one is complete and accurate.

Ignoring the Waiting Period

The mandatory waiting period is not just a formality; it’s a crucial phase where your application is open to public scrutiny. Ignoring this period and failing to monitor for any objections can result in unforeseen complications. If an objection is raised and you’re unaware of it, you could miss the opportunity to address it, jeopardizing your entire application.

Not Seeking Professional Help

The process of copyrighting a song involves legal nuances that may not be apparent to those unfamiliar with intellectual property law. While it’s possible to go through the registration process on your own, not seeking professional help can be risky. Legal experts can guide you through the intricacies, help you prepare the necessary documentation, and represent you effectively in case of objections or hearings.

Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly smooth out the copyright registration process. Being thorough with your documentation, attentive during the waiting period, and consulting with professionals can save you time, effort, and potential legal complications.

Time Frame for Copyright Registration

Average Time Required

The process of copyright registration in India can be a lengthy affair, often taking anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on various factors. While the initial steps like filing the application and the formality check may take only a few weeks, the waiting period, potential hearings, and final approval can extend the timeline considerably.

Factors Affecting the Time Frame

Several factors can influence the duration of the copyright registration process. These include the completeness and accuracy of the submitted documents, the number of objections raised during the waiting period, and the backlog at the Copyright Office. Additionally, if hearings are required, the availability of all parties involved can further extend the time frame.

By understanding the average time required and the factors that can affect it, you can better prepare yourself for the journey ahead. Patience and meticulous attention to detail will serve you well in securing the copyright for your song.

Successful Copyright Registrations

A.R. Rahman’s Global Success: One of India’s most celebrated composers, A.R. Rahman, has successfully copyrighted numerous compositions. This legal protection has enabled him to license his music for international projects, including Hollywood films and Broadway musicals, thereby earning royalties and global recognition.

Prateek Kuhad’s Indie Triumph: Independent artist Prateek Kuhad has leveraged copyright to license his music for global streaming platforms. His songs have gained international fame, and the copyright ensures he receives royalties from multiple revenue streams.

T-Series’ YouTube Dominance: T-Series, a music and film production company, has successfully copyrighted a vast library of songs. This has allowed them to monetize their content on platforms like YouTube, where they are one of the most-subscribed channels globally.

Instances of Copyright Infringement and Legal Battles:

The “Kolaveri Di” Saga: The viral song “Kolaveri Di” faced multiple instances of piracy and unauthorized remixes. Holding a copyright allowed the creators to take legal action, resulting in the removal of infringing content and the payment of damages.

Anu Malik vs. The Oriental Company: In a landmark case, composer Anu Malik was accused of plagiarizing a tune from The Oriental Company. Because the latter had copyrighted their composition, they were able to take legal action, leading to a settlement.

The “Mile Sur Mera Tumhara” Controversy: The iconic song “Mile Sur Mera Tumhara” was remade without permission from the original creators. The ensuing legal battle highlighted the importance of copyright in protecting the integrity of a work.

Pritam’s Multiple Infringement Cases: Composer Pritam has faced several accusations of copyright infringement for allegedly lifting tunes from international tracks. These cases underline the importance of understanding copyright laws to avoid legal complications.


These case studies illustrate the power and importance of copyright in safeguarding an artist’s work and revenue. They show that while copyright registration provides a robust framework for legal protection and monetization, it also places the onus on artists to respect the intellectual property of others.

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