FSSAI license requirements, rules and benefits - company360.in
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FSSAI license requirements, rules and benefits

FSSAI which is known as the Food Authority of India is the acronym for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India . It is the organization that ensures for safe food production , storage and handling. They are vital in ensuring that every manufacture and compiling procedures are being progressed according to the norms specified by the Food Business Operators. A food license by which is issued by the FSSAI is regarded as a permit which is required to operate a food related business and also in order to ensure good quality of food in your business and for the benefits one from government actions on non-compliances.The FSSAI issues a 14 digit license number to the Food Business Operators who have given their consent to the rules and regulations as provided by the FSS Act. Currently, every acts and regulations are being handled under the jurisdication of FSSAI. FSSAI Licensing & Registration System takes the complete responsibility and issues necessary steps about the quality of food products. Getting food license will help the food operator in successfully running the business for a particular period that is up to the given validity. The validity of FSSAI license can extend from 1 to 5 years. The license issued to the FBO’s are in accordance with their annual turnover. Now as the FSSAI Registration is essential likewise FSSAI License Renewal is equally essential. One cannot take a chance to miss applying for FSSAI Renewal. Though the applicant is free to choose the validity of FSSAI License as per his/her needs and requirements the same has to be akin to Renewal of FSSAI License time to time without any delay to avoid penalty. In case if the applicant has not applied for Food License Renewal or has missed the due date the license will be considered as expired, and the business operator will not allow continuing the food activities as well. Hence, it is advisable to apply for renewal of Food License Process before time.

These are some of the rules as listed by the FSSAI

• FSSAI License Renewal should be done in time to avoid penalties.

• The renewal needs to done before 120 days of the license expiry.

• The FSSAI License Renewal Fee amount is chargeable as Rs.100/- per day from the date of expiry

• The FSSAI license will appear in FSSAI license renewal bin before 60 days of the expiration of FSSAI license; hence it is suggested to apply for renewal of Food License at the same time.

• The validity of FSSAI license is extendable between 1 to years, and likewise, cost of the license will be applied.

The primary aim of establishing the FSSAI standards is to law down standard norms for food articles on a more scientific basis than which was followed earlier and also to maintain and regulate the manufacture, storage, sale, distribution and imports of food items in the most optimal manner that operates within the framework of the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006.

Today there are numerous ways for buying food, starting from packed foods to online delivery of foods from restaurants. Considering this fact it is of high importance that the safety and the quality of the food served is adequate. The FSSAI license ensures that the food served from these restaurants have met with the quality prescribed. Thus, those restaurants that do not have the FSSAI License will be de-listed correspondingly.

Benefits of Registering FSSAI Licence

1. Consumer awareness:

In this age of information, the consumers have become more alert and informative about the quality of food which they eat. With the number of diets and increasing of the healthy eating food options, people are required to know as to what they are consuming is not just safe but is of really good quality. More so after the recent controversy with Maggi, are provingthe consumers have started to take the food safety standard seriously. Thus, foodare proving that they have the FSSAI license, which can give you an added advantage of a solid and an increase in the customer base.

2. Legal Advantage:

Most of the businesses identify getting an FSSAI license as an expensive, time consuming and an inconvenient process of documentation, thus they try to avoid getting the license. But, in reality, the process is not so cumbersome and there are a lot of consultancies that can help you get the license with ease. The actual cost which is required in order to achieve the license is less than what you will have to pay for in as the penalties if you are caught. It is thus advisable for any businessman to firstly get the license before you can even officially open your business.

3. Using the FSSAI Logo:

Once you have the license, you can skillfully use the FSSAI logo in your menu cards and also in the pamphlets in order to publicise your food’s superior quality over others. This however gives you an edge over the many food operators who are not having the license. All the packaged food are thus required to have an FSSAI number. The logo is seen as a mark of validity and also for assurance by the consumers. In fact, the selective customers want to consume food products specifically who are having the license. It helps you in developing a brand name.

4. Quality check

The FSSAI License gives you a direct access of laws and department control at a sole approachable point.

5. Business Expansion:

When the time comes for your business to expand in other areas or outlets, you can easily do so with the use of your FSSAI license. The license will help you to establish your reputation and also qualification to grow your business in a new direction with ease. Moreover, the license can also make it easier for you to get bank loans and for funding which is required for expansion.

It is thus believed that there are more than 5 crore food businesses in the country while only 33 lakhs of them are registered with FSSAI. The importance of the quality standard is ever growing and it is beneficial in the short as well as in the long run for your business in order to have an FSSAI license.

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