Digital Signature DSC in India

The registration and protection of Geographical Indications is done in accordance with Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.This Act defines, Geographical Indications as an indication which differentiates goods as natural or manufactured goods as originating/ agricultural, or manufactured in a particular geographical territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of such goods one of the activities of either production/ processing/ preparation takes place in such territory, region or locality.

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has been taking several initiatives for promotion and marketing the Geographical Indications. In order to enhance the income of the GI producers specifically, farmers, weavers, artisans and craftsmen, a comprehensive and holistic campaign on promotion of GIs has been undertaken. A common GI tag would facilitate to awareness amongst both the GI producers as well as consumers, so as to increase the marketability and saleability of these products.

Each GI will have a different logo, leading to confusion in consumers about various GI products. Therefore, the concept of a common GI Logo and Tagline was introduced.

These guidelines are being issued for the usage of the Geographical Indications logo and tagline, and thereby promote Indian GI products.


The Logo contains the English alphabets ‘G’ and ‘I’ which are used together as a representation of Geographical Indication. It also represents the location symbol, emphasising that each GI has specific characteristics which are related to its place of origin. The GI Logo will act as a certifying mark that can be used to identify all Indian products registered as Geographical Indications, irrespective of the categories, which makes it easier for the consumers to recognize authentic GI products, and thereby protect the interests of original GI producers.


• The ownership rights to the GI Logo and Tagline vests in the DPIIT represented through its Secretary.

• Usages of the same will be allowed as per the terms and conditions specified here, and only for Indian GI products registered in India or abroad.

• Foreign GI products, whether registered in India or not, are not permitted to use the GI Logo and Tagline.

• DPIIT reserves the right to withdraw permission for use of the GI Logo and Tagline without any prior notice.

• DPIIT also reserves the right to change the design or layout of GI Logo and Tagline.

###1. Conditions applicable for use of Geographical Indication Logo

i. GI Logo and Tagline shall not be used for illegal purposes or against public policy. They shall not be used in a derogatory method.

ii. The GI Logo and Tagline is to be appropriately placed together with the logos and/or taglines of other organizations.

iii. To maintain a uniform logo across all communications material, it is imperative to follow the guidelines in terms of type and colour. The use of the logo should
be consistent and should not be changed in relative proportion, colour etc.

iv. DPIIT shall at no time be responsible for the authenticity or quality of the products on which they are being used, or for any information shared or distributed on any platform.

v. DPIIT holds no financial liability for usage of the GI Logo and Tagline.

vi. DPIIT shall not be held liable for any claims, arising out of any unauthorized use and/or violations of GI Logo and Tagline.

vii. In the event of any illegal use of the GI Logo and Tagline, DPIIT is entitled to take appropriate action, as it may deem fit.

viii. Any entity seeking permission shall ensure that GI Logo and Tagline shall be used in association with original Indian GI products sold by authorised users registered under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.

ix. The GI Logo and Tagline shall only be used in relation of registered Indian GI Products and shall not be used for any other product whatsoever.

x. No fee or charges shall be levied for granting the approval for the use of GI Logo and Tagline.

xi. The duration for the usage will vary on a case-to-case basis.

###2. Procedure for grant of approval for use of GI Logo and Tagline

i. All requests for use of Logo and Tagline would be considered on the basis of these guidelines and decided on merits by the joint secretary.

ii. DPIIT will be within its rights to seek any additional detail in respect of requests for use of logo and tagline before deciding on the applications.

iii. All applications for use of the logo for programmes on electronic media must be received in the DPIIT at least 30 days in advance along with complete information as mentioned in the format.

###3.Use of the GI Logo and Tagline may be allowed with prior approval of the DPIIT, Government of India:-

i. All Central Government Ministries/ Departments/ PSUs and Departments of State Governments/ UT Administration for programmes conducted in association with industrial bodies like CII/ FICCl.

ii. All events for which monetary support is extended by the DPIIT, Government of India.

iii. For a specified period, for events organized by private entities that promote GI products.

iv. For programmes being broadcast on electronic media or other platforms of communication.

v. For display and sale of Indian Geographical Indication products by wholesale or retail outlets, or e-commerce platforms.

vii. Registered Proprietors and Authorised Users, for Geographical Indications other than the GI for which they are