Why trademark renewal is important
image source : https://www.familyrenewal.com Trademark registration in India is valid upto 10 years from date of filing of trademark application. Generally it’s a long time
Who can be a Director in Private Limited Company or who cannot ?
image source : https://www.companiesmadesimple.com Can anyone become director in Private Limited Company or is there any eligibility criteria required to be a director in a
How can I copyright my book, blog, website or anything
image source : https://www.wikipedia.org/ At Company360.in on daily basis get lots of queries about how can we copyright our story, books, articles, blogs etc. Every
How to register your Company with Start up India – Registration Process.
image source : https://www.starsofstartups.in We at company360 get lots of queries around the process to get companies registered under the new initiative Startup India by
It’s a pretty design – Lets protect with DESIGN PATENT REGISTRATION in India
image source : https://www.economist.com Most people are aware to legally protect their brand name with trademark registration and invention by filing a patent for it.
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