What is trademark assignment deed?
A trademark assignment is a written document which help to transfer a recognized word , phrase , symbol or a design from the original owner
FSSAI License A complete reference
Concerns regarding the food standards have always been important to the people and the government. FSSAI is a legal body governed by the Ministry of
What is Trademark Transfer ?
Trademark is a type of Intellectual Property (IP) which signifies the brand that a company utilises to ensure that their product or service is distinguishable
Criteria For Well Known Trademark
Trademark is a symbol, logo or word which is unique and is used to represent a company, business or any product. Once the trademark is
Knowing about FSSAI License
With growing concerns among consumers regarding the food related hygiene, it has become a sine qua non for food product manufacturers to ensure certain safety
Common Defences in Copyright Infringement Cases
Copyright owner has exclusive rights on his work after the completion of copyright registration. How he exploits his works is completely according to his whims