Exploring Personality Rights Within India’s Copyright Framework: Insights from the Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor Cases - company360.in
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Exploring Personality Rights Within India’s Copyright Framework: Insights from the Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor Cases

Personality Rights under the ambit of Copyright laws Company360

1. Introduction

In today’s interconnected world, where personal identities often intertwine with public personas, the concept of personality rights has gained paramount importance. Personality rights, recognized in various jurisdictions across the globe, serve as a protective shield, ensuring that individuals have control over the commercial use of their name, image, voice, and other distinctive personal attributes. These rights are not just about protecting an individual’s identity but also about preserving the intrinsic human dignity associated with it.

Globally, personality rights have been acknowledged and enforced in diverse ways. While some countries have specific statutes dedicated to these rights, others derive them from broader legal principles, such as privacy or tort laws. The essence, however, remains consistent: every individual, whether a celebrity or a private citizen, has the right to prevent unauthorized commercial exploitation of their persona.

The rise of digital platforms and media has further accentuated the significance of personality rights. In an era where images, videos, and voices can be replicated, modified, and disseminated with a single click, the potential for misuse is immense. Celebrities, given their public stature, are particularly vulnerable. Their images and likenesses are often used, sometimes without consent, for advertising, memes, deepfakes, and other commercial ventures. This not only dilutes their brand value but also infringes upon their personal space and rights.

However, it’s not just celebrities who are at risk. With the proliferation of social media platforms, even ordinary individuals find their pictures and videos being shared without their permission, leading to potential misuse. In such a landscape, understanding and enforcing personality rights becomes crucial, not just for safeguarding individual identities but also for upholding the broader principles of respect, dignity, and personal autonomy in the digital age.

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of personality rights in India, particularly through the lens of landmark cases involving Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor, we’ll uncover the nuances, challenges, and the path forward in this ever-evolving legal domain.

2. What are Personality Rights?

Personality rights, often intertwined with terms like “right of publicity” or “right of image,” are a set of legal rights that protect an individual’s persona from unauthorized commercial exploitation. These rights are rooted in the idea that every individual, irrespective of their public stature, has the exclusive authority to control and monetize their identity. This identity isn’t just limited to one’s name or face; it encompasses a broader spectrum, including voice, signature, and other unique attributes that define an individual.

Components of Personality Rights:

  • Right of Publicity: This is perhaps the most commercially significant aspect of personality rights. The right of publicity prevents unauthorized entities from using an individual’s identity for commercial gain. For instance, using a celebrity’s image on merchandise without consent would infringe upon their right of publicity. This right is not just about monetary compensation; it’s also about preserving the individual’s brand value and ensuring that their identity isn’t diluted or misrepresented.
  • Right of Privacy: While the right of publicity focuses on commercial exploitation, the right of privacy delves deeper into personal boundaries. It safeguards individuals from unwarranted intrusions into their private lives. This includes protection against unauthorized publication of personal photographs, disclosure of private facts, or portrayal in a false light. While celebrities might have a reduced expectation of privacy given their public lives, they, like all individuals, are entitled to a zone of privacy that must be respected.

The commercial aspect of personality rights is undeniable. In today’s world, where influencers monetize their personal brand and celebrities enter endorsement deals, the value of one’s identity has skyrocketed. A recognizable face or voice can influence consumer behavior, making it a sought-after commodity in the advertising world. However, with this commercial potential comes the risk of exploitation. Unauthorized use, misrepresentation, or overexposure can harm an individual’s brand, leading to both financial and personal repercussions.

In essence, personality rights strike a balance. They allow individuals to capitalize on their identity, while also offering a protective shield against misuse. As we navigate the digital age, where the lines between personal and public are increasingly blurred, these rights ensure that individuals retain autonomy over their most personal asset: their identity.

3. Personality Rights and Indian Copyright Law: Connections and Distinctions

India, with its rich tapestry of culture, arts, and cinema, has always been at the forefront of creating and consuming content. This vibrant landscape necessitates a robust legal framework to protect both creators and individuals. While India does not have a codified law specifically for personality rights, the principles have been recognized and enforced through various legal avenues, including copyright law.

The Overlap:

  • Protection of Creators and Individuals: Both personality rights and copyright law aim to protect the rights of creators and individuals. While copyright law primarily focuses on original works of authorship, personality rights emphasize the protection of an individual’s identity from unauthorized commercial use.
  • Moral Rights: An interesting intersection between the two is the concept of moral rights under copyright law. Recognized under Section 57 of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, moral rights ensure that authors of works, even after the assignment of copyright, have the right to claim authorship and object to any distortion or modification of their work. This is akin to the essence of personality rights, where individuals can object to the misrepresentation or unauthorized use of their identity.

The Differences:

  • Nature of Protection: Copyright law is designed to protect original expressions in various forms, such as literature, music, and art. Personality rights, on the other hand, safeguard an individual’s persona, which includes their name, image, voice, and other unique attributes.
  • Duration: Copyright protection in India lasts for a fixed term, typically the life of the author plus 60 years, after which the work enters the public domain. Personality rights, however, do not have a standardized duration. While they often last for the lifetime of the individual, some jurisdictions recognize post-mortem rights, allowing heirs to control the deceased’s identity for a certain period.
  • Transferability: Copyrights can be transferred, assigned, or licensed, allowing others to use the protected work under specific conditions. Personality rights, being inherently personal, cannot be transferred in the same way, but they can be licensed for commercial purposes.

Challenges in Integration:

The integration of personality rights within the ambit of copyright law presents challenges. For instance, when a celebrity’s image is incorporated into an artistic work, the lines between copyright protection and personality rights blur. Should the celebrity have a say in how the artwork is used or reproduced, given that their likeness is a part of it? Such complexities necessitate a clear demarcation between the two rights, ensuring that one does not overshadow the other.

In conclusion, while personality rights and copyright law in India share common ground in protecting creators and individuals, they serve distinct purposes and have unique nuances. As India continues to evolve in its understanding and enforcement of these rights, striking the right balance will be crucial to ensure that both creators and individuals are adequately protected.

4. Personality Rights in India: A Legal Perspective

India, with its diverse cultural heritage and burgeoning entertainment industry, has witnessed a growing emphasis on the protection of individual identities. While the country does not have a standalone statute for personality rights, the principles underlying these rights have found recognition and enforcement through various legal avenues.

Absence of a Specific Statute:

Unlike some western countries that have explicit laws governing personality rights, India lacks a codified legal framework dedicated solely to these rights. However, this absence does not imply a lack of protection. Over the years, Indian courts have played a pivotal role in recognizing and upholding personality rights, drawing from broader legal principles and precedents.

Recognition under the Right to Privacy:

One of the primary legal anchors for personality rights in India is the right to privacy. Enshrined under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, which guarantees the right to life and personal liberty, the right to privacy serves as a bulwark against unwarranted intrusions into an individual’s personal space. The Supreme Court of India, in various judgments, has expanded the scope of Article 21 to include the right to privacy, thereby indirectly acknowledging the principles of personality rights.

In the landmark case of Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) vs Union Of India, the Supreme Court unequivocally recognized the right to privacy as a fundamental right. This judgment, while primarily focusing on privacy, laid the groundwork for a broader interpretation that encompasses the protection of one’s identity against unauthorized commercial exploitation.

Judicial Interpretation and Precedents:

Indian courts have been instrumental in shaping the narrative around personality rights. Through various judgments, they have emphasized the importance of consent in using an individual’s identity for commercial purposes. Whether it’s the unauthorized use of a celebrity’s image in advertisements or the replication of their voice in media, the courts have consistently ruled in favor of protecting the individual’s persona.

For instance, in the case of ICC Development (International) Ltd. vs Arvee Enterprises and Anr, the Delhi High Court observed that “the right of publicity has evolved from the right of privacy and can inhere only in an individual or in any indicia of an individual’s personality like his name, personality trait, signature, voice, etc.”

Challenges and the Way Forward:

While the judicial recognition of personality rights is commendable, the lack of a specific legislative framework poses challenges. Ambiguities remain, especially in the digital age, where the dissemination of content is rapid and widespread. The need for clearer guidelines, especially in the context of online platforms, deepfakes, and digital media, is palpable.

In conclusion, while India may not have a codified law for personality rights, the robust interpretation by the judiciary ensures that individuals have recourse against unauthorized commercial use of their identity. As the country continues to grapple with the nuances of these rights, the foundation laid by the courts offers hope for a more comprehensive legal framework in the future.

5. The Amitabh Bachchan Case: A Landmark Judgment

Amitabh Bachchan, often hailed as the “Shahenshah” of Bollywood, is not just an actor but an institution in himself. His distinctive baritone, towering presence, and unparalleled contribution to Indian cinema have made him a revered figure, both nationally and internationally. Given his iconic status, it’s no surprise that his identity holds immense commercial value. However, this very stature made him the focal point of a landmark case that would go on to shape the discourse around personality rights in India.


In the early 2000s, a music company, without Bachchan’s consent, used a mimicry of his voice in a song from the movie “Rang”. The voice, unmistakably reminiscent of Bachchan’s signature tone, was used for commercial gain, leading to a direct infringement of his personality rights.

Legal Proceedings:

Amitabh Bachchan, recognizing the unauthorized use of his voice, approached the court, asserting that his voice was an intrinsic part of his personality. He argued that any unauthorized commercial exploitation of it amounted to a violation of his personality rights.

The court, in its judgment, concurred with Bachchan’s contention. It emphasized that an individual’s voice is an integral part of their identity and holds significant commercial value, especially for celebrities. The court observed that just as one’s image or name can’t be used without consent, the same principle applies to one’s voice. The unauthorized use, especially for commercial purposes, was deemed a clear infringement of Bachchan’s rights.


The judgment in the Amitabh Bachchan case was groundbreaking in several ways:

  • Setting a Precedent: This case was one of the first instances where an Indian court explicitly recognized the commercial value of a celebrity’s voice, thereby setting a precedent for future cases involving similar infringements.
  • Emphasizing Consent: The ruling underscored the importance of obtaining explicit consent before using any aspect of an individual’s identity for commercial purposes. It sent a clear message to industries and advertisers about the legal repercussions of unauthorized use.
  • Broadening the Scope: While personality rights had often been associated with visual representations, this case broadened the scope to include auditory elements, emphasizing that any distinctive feature that can identify an individual is protected.

In conclusion, the Amitabh Bachchan case was not just a victory for the superstar but a significant milestone for personality rights in India. It reinforced the idea that every individual, irrespective of their public stature, has exclusive rights over their identity, and any unauthorized commercial exploitation of it is a legal infringement.

6. The Anil Kapoor Case: Reinforcing the Right of Publicity

Anil Kapoor, with his versatile acting prowess and decades of contribution to Indian cinema, has carved a niche for himself in the hearts of millions. His journey, spanning Bollywood to Hollywood, has solidified his position as a global icon. However, even such stalwarts are not immune to unauthorized commercial exploitation, as was evident in a case that once again brought personality rights to the forefront of legal discussions in India.


In a surprising turn of events, Anil Kapoor’s image was used without his consent in an advertisement for a furniture brand. The advertisement, which prominently featured Kapoor’s likeness, was clearly aimed at leveraging his popularity for commercial gain.

Legal Proceedings:

Taking cognizance of the unauthorized use of his image, Anil Kapoor filed a lawsuit against the furniture company. His primary contention was the blatant misappropriation of his image for commercial purposes without his consent, which he argued was a clear infringement of his right of publicity.

The Delhi High Court, adjudicating the matter, sided with Kapoor. The court recognized that every individual, especially public figures with a well-established brand identity, has the exclusive right to control the commercial use of their likeness. The judgment emphasized that unauthorized commercial exploitation not only dilutes the celebrity’s brand but also infringes upon their personal rights.


The ruling in the Anil Kapoor case had several significant implications:

  • Reiteration of Rights: The judgment served as a reaffirmation of the principles laid down in previous cases, like the Amitabh Bachchan case. It reiterated the importance of the right of publicity and the need for explicit consent in commercial endeavors.
  • Compensation: Beyond just recognizing the infringement, the court also underscored the importance of compensating the aggrieved party for unauthorized commercial use, setting a precedent for potential damages in similar future cases.
  • Awareness and Deterrence: The case, given Anil Kapoor’s prominence, garnered significant media attention. This not only raised awareness about personality rights among the public but also acted as a deterrent for companies and advertisers, signaling the legal consequences of unauthorized use.

In essence, the Anil Kapoor case further solidified the legal stance on personality rights in India. It underscored the fact that every individual, irrespective of their celebrity status, is entitled to control over their identity and any attempt to capitalize on it without consent is a legal transgression.

7. Challenges and Limitations

The recognition and enforcement of personality rights in India, while progressive, are not without challenges. As the digital landscape evolves and the lines between personal and public domains blur, several complexities emerge that test the boundaries of these rights.

Balancing Personality Rights with Freedom of Speech and Expression:

  • One of the primary challenges in enforcing personality rights is striking a balance with the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression, enshrined in Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution. While individuals have the right to prevent unauthorized commercial use of their identity, this must be weighed against artistic freedom, journalistic pursuits, and public interest.
  • For instance, a caricature of a public figure in a satirical magazine or a biographical film might use the likeness of the individual without explicit consent. Determining whether such uses are infringing or protected expressions can be a legal gray area.

Duration and Transferability of Personality Rights:

  • The duration of personality rights remains a debated issue. While some argue that these rights should persist indefinitely, others contend that they should have a fixed duration, possibly extending a few years posthumously.
  • Additionally, the question of whether heirs can inherit and enforce personality rights of deceased individuals is yet to be conclusively addressed in India.

Enforcement Challenges in the Digital Age:

  • The advent of digital platforms, social media, and advanced technologies has amplified the challenges associated with enforcing personality rights. Deepfakes, where AI is used to create hyper-realistic but entirely fake content, can replicate voices and likenesses with alarming accuracy, leading to potential misuse.
  • The rapid dissemination of content online also means that unauthorized use of an individual’s identity can go viral in a matter of hours, making timely legal interventions crucial yet challenging.

Lack of Codified Law:

  • As previously highlighted, India lacks a specific statute governing personality rights. While judicial precedents have been instrumental in recognizing these rights, the absence of codified law means that interpretations can vary, leading to potential inconsistencies in judgments.

While India has made significant strides in recognizing and upholding personality rights, the road ahead is fraught with challenges. As technology advances and societal norms evolve, the legal framework will need to adapt, ensuring that individuals are protected against unauthorized exploitation while also respecting artistic freedoms and technological innovations. The landmark cases of Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor serve as guiding lights, but a comprehensive, well-defined legal structure is the need of the hour.

8. Global Comparisons

India’s journey in recognizing and enforcing personality rights, while commendable, offers an interesting contrast when viewed in the global context. Different countries have approached these rights with varying legal frameworks, influenced by their cultural, social, and judicial landscapes. This section aims to provide a comparative analysis, highlighting how India’s stance on personality rights measures up against other major jurisdictions.

United States:

  • The U.S. is often considered a pioneer in recognizing and enforcing personality rights, especially under the “right of publicity” doctrine. The protection varies state by state, with some states like California having explicit statutes that protect both living and deceased individuals against unauthorized commercial exploitation.
  • Unlike India, where the rights are primarily derived from the right to privacy, the U.S. emphasizes the commercial aspect, focusing on the economic interests associated with one’s identity.

European Union:

  • The EU offers a more fragmented approach, with member states having their own regulations concerning personality rights. However, a common thread is the emphasis on human dignity and privacy.
  • Countries like Germany and France have robust protections, where the individual’s rights to control their image and likeness are strongly enforced, even posthumously.

United Kingdom:

  • The UK does not recognize a distinct “right of publicity.” However, personality rights are protected under various legal avenues, including privacy laws, trademark laws, and passing off (a common law tort). The focus is more on preventing misrepresentation rather than unauthorized commercial exploitation.


  • Japan offers protection under its Civil Code, emphasizing an individual’s right to privacy. The commercial aspect, similar to India, is recognized under the broader umbrella of privacy rights.

Implications for India:

  • Learning from Global Best Practices: India can draw insights from global best practices, especially from jurisdictions with codified laws. This can aid in framing a comprehensive legal structure that addresses the unique challenges posed by the digital age.
  • Balancing Commercial and Privacy Interests: While countries like the U.S. emphasize the commercial value of one’s identity, European nations lean towards privacy and dignity. India’s approach, which currently leans towards privacy, could benefit from integrating the commercial aspects, given the country’s burgeoning entertainment and advertising industries.
  • Addressing Technological Challenges: With advancements like deepfakes becoming global concerns, India can collaborate with other nations in framing regulations and technological solutions to combat misuse.

9. Conclusion

The intricate tapestry of personality rights in India, woven through judicial precedents, societal norms, and global influences, paints a picture of a nation striving to balance individual protections with the dynamism of the digital age. As we reflect upon the journey, from landmark cases involving stalwarts like Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor to the broader legal discourse, several key takeaways emerge.

Evolving Nature of Personality Rights:

India’s approach to personality rights is a testament to the nation’s adaptability. While the absence of a codified law might seem like a limitation, the judiciary’s proactive role in recognizing and enforcing these rights showcases the country’s commitment to safeguarding individual identities.

Need for Clearer Legal Frameworks:

The cases discussed highlight the pressing need for a more defined legal framework. As technology advances and the lines between personal and public domains blur, a comprehensive law can offer clarity, consistency, and protection against potential infringements.

Role of Landmark Cases:

The significance of landmark judgments, like those involving Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor, cannot be overstated. These cases not only offer legal clarity but also raise awareness among the public and industries about the importance of consent and the repercussions of unauthorized commercial exploitation.

Global Context and the Way Forward:

India’s stance on personality rights, while rooted in its unique socio-cultural milieu, resonates with global perspectives. Drawing insights from international best practices, while tailoring them to the Indian context, can pave the way for a robust legal framework that stands the test of time.

In the final analysis, personality rights in India are not just about legal protections; they echo the nation’s ethos of respect, dignity, and individual autonomy. As India continues to make strides in the entertainment, digital, and advertising sectors, the protection of these rights becomes not just a legal imperative but a reflection of the nation’s values. The journey ahead, while challenging, holds the promise of a future where every individual’s identity is respected, protected, and celebrated.

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