Trademark Status: Their types, meaning and implications
Most applicants upon filing of trademark , becomes anxious about the trademark statues that appears throughout the journey of trademark registration, in this article we
![TM opposition](https://company360.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Opposition-2.jpg)
Trademark Opposed –How to respond to Trademark Opposition in India?
When Trademark status changes to opposed –it means a third party has raised opposition against your accepted and advertised mark. Trademark oppositions can be responded
Do ordinary shapes are good trademark or good logo?
We all know that symbols can be filed as Trademarks in India as well as in other countries as well. But what symbols are good
Trademark Restoration in India-process and meaning
What is Trademark Restoration? The proprietor’s duty towards protection of a trademark does not just come to an end whenthe registration process is completed. Every
Trademark Objection Under Section 9 (1) and 9 (2)
The registration of a trademark involves a series of steps that the applicant has to duly comply with in order to avail the numerous benefits
Enforcement of Copyright Laws through Copyright Societies
Introduction In this world where every minute some new movie or book is released into this domain of Intellectual Property, this vast amount of content