Patent Paralegal Service
Ids Generation:
Company360 assist clients in filing Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) in various patent offices across the world by uploading
the references on docketing software & assisting clients in searching any citations possible on the web. This
helps client in submitting relevant background art or information to the concerned patent office during the patent
prosecution process.
File Wrapper Analysis:
Company360 provides patent file wrapper reviews and histories. Specifically, we can return searchable PDFís which can be provided
to you through email or for bulk orders by a secure FTP. The team can deliver the file wrapper within 48 hours
after ordering.
Patent Proofreading:
Company360 proofreading service includes meticulously finding errors in the patent. We have multi-step quality control and quality
assurance processes, methodologies and deep industry experience. We do run automated checks along with a proper
manual analysis as per the checklist. Moreover, we identify and report all errors to you and take future steps
as per your instruction.
Our team can access the copy of issued patent and the file history documents from the USPTO public or private PAIR. Our
proofreading process takes into account all office actions, amendments and other changes made to the application
post filing.
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