Madrid Protocol learn how to file for Trademark outside India
A lot has been written about Trademark registration in India and its process, let us now try to understand how one can go for International
Trademark Search the key step in Trademark Registration | Case Study BOOKMYSHOW Vs BOOKMYSPORT
Most of the Trademark companies time and again just focus on per se availability search without considering the other Trademark rules pertaining to Trademark name
Udyog Aadhar Registration – Everything you need to know about this scheme for MSME
The concept of Udyog Aadhar was introduced to simplify the procedural format of registering the under Micro Small Medium Enterprise(MSME). As earlier it was quite
How patent registration revolutionizes a business
HOW CAN PATENT REGISTRATION REVOLUTIONIZE A BUSINESS? After the start of make in India, lots of people began to focus on Intellectual property in order
Skechers Vs Flipkart – don’t let copycats take away your market share
##Introduction – Counterfeit products and its impact The word counterfeit means the forgeries of currency and documents but the trend is changing nowadays and the
10 Types of trademark protection in USA
The USPTO accepts applications for registration of both traditional marks as well as nontraditional and non-visual marks for collective marks and certification marks. Word Mark