Trademark name – coined words or words with no meaning used for Trademark Registration
Trademark registration plays a key role in the business world, and it stands as collective element of brand, goodwill and reputation in the mind of
Intellectual property rights (IPR) and its types
Generally, Property is something which has a value and the same has been owned and possessed by individuals or collective persons. Property can be both
How to dowload Trademark Registration Certificate
As we all know now Indian Trademark Office has gone paperless as everything from filing to registration certificate has become online. A person sitting at
Save money on Trademark Filing in India
Filing a trademark in India can be done by anyone either an Individual/Sole proprietor or the Legal Entity itself. Legal Entity can be divided into
Is Logo protected under Trademark or Copyright
Trademarks and logos are huge assets for any business and there are always people in the market who are ready to steal or copy your
Design Opposition and its Procedure in India
Design opposition is different from trademark opposition, as Trademark can be opposed by any person after its publication in Journal but before registration, however there